get your ecological footprint!

made of banana fiber

get shoes!
the banana fiber is made without any chemicals.


after usage the banana fiber is 100% compostable.


we turn trash into shoes.

longer lifecycle!

less water and CO2 consumption.




of clothing waste is produced annually by one person. to put it another way: 28 tshirts.

  • for the production of one t-shirt, up to 2000 liters of water are used in cotton production. due to the novel banana fiber, no additional water is used, because banana plants grow naturally and we only use them after harvesting!
  • cotton is a plant susceptible to diseases and pests. no other agricultural crop uses as many plant poisons as cotton.
  • 99 percent of cotton farmers live in developing countries and produce 75 percent of the world’s cotton crop. the use of pesticides makes many farmers ill, and in most cases the income is just enough to survive.
  • our banana fibre is obtained from organic banana cultivation. no pesticides or chemicals are used for this. as banana trees only have one life cycle, they are disposed of after harvesting. this is where we come in!
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    get your manila one – unisex sneaker !

    pre-orders are limited, so be one of the first to pre-order the exclusive sneakers! imagine that you would have ordered the first Jordan back then. take your chance, tho!

    get your ecological footprint, literally.

    this shoe is made exclusively from natural and sustainable materials. in doing so, we want to contribute to the environment and extend the life cycle of plants, as well as support regional farming cultures.

    sustainable doesn’t have to look bad. we combine sustainability with style.

    we want to leave a positive mark with our sneakers.



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    get your manila two – unisex sneaker !

    pre-orders are limited, so be one of the first to pre-order the exclusive sneakers! imagine that you would have ordered the first Jordan back then. take your chance, tho!

    get your ecological footprint, literally.

    this shoe is made exclusively from natural and sustainable materials. in doing so, we want to contribute to the environment and extend the life cycle of plants, as well as support regional farming cultures.

    sustainable doesn’t have to look bad. we combine sustainability with style.

    we want to leave a positive mark with our sneakers.



``it's good to know that there are brands that want to change the precarious conditions in the fashion industry!``


``i love the idea of using the banana fiber to produce high-quality fashion!``


``doing something good for the environment is always great, but the fresh look is nice as well!``
